What's Happening in Huntingdonshire?
Explore all the amazing Climate actions & initiatives happening across the Huntingdonshire! From local authorities, businesses, community groups, friends groups and organisations, you can find local climate based actions and initiatives across the District!
If you know of any other projects, actions and initiatives that are helping to tackle Climate Change, please let us know by emailing climateconversation@huntingdonshire.gov.uk.
Find out about community groups near you with the list below: Click on the links to be directed to the webpage or Facebook page.
Take a look at the panel to the right! Read about inspiring community Climate Actions such as local repair cafes, T H Branson & Son's farm planting more hedgerows and trees to the tree guards implemented by the Great Ouse Valley Trust! Do you know of any inspiring local stories of communities coming together to connect with Nature? Storytelling is powerful in inspiring others! Please email us at climateconversation@huntingdonshire.gov.uk
- Creating Nature's Corridors, Huntingdon. (creatingnaturescorridors.co.uk)
- Eco Huntingdon
- Friends of Hinchingbrook Country Park
- Huntingdon Eco Action Team (HEAT)
- Huntingdon Green Town
- Hunts Walking & Cycling Group
- Wild About Huntingdon
- Huntingdon Library
- Warboys Climate & Environment Group
- St Ives Eco Action Group
- Friends of Holt Island (holtisland.org)
- St Ives Library
- Huntingdonshire Local RSPB Group (rspb.org.uk)
- Grow Wild St. Neots
- Friends of Paxton Pits – Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
- Priory Park Friends Group
- SNARL - St Neots Against Rubbish & Litter
- 3 Pillars Feeding The Homeless & Supporting the Community
- St Neots Library
- Eco-friendly Bury and Ramsey Facebook Group
- Ramsey Neighbourhoods Trust
- Ramsey Quiet Garden (The Quiet Garden Movement)
- Ramsey Library
Wider Areas:
- Food for Nought (Peterborough and surrounding areas including Huntingdonshire)
- Great Ouse Valley Trust
- Huntingdonshire Local RSPB Group (rspb.org.uk)
- The Great Fen Project - Volunteer
- Broughton Village Cambridgeshire
- Groundwork East - Green Recovery & Volunteering
- Huntingdonshire Local Group - Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants
- Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE The Countryside Charity Cambridgeshire & Peterborough)
- Project Abundance (Peterborough)
- Camcycle - Cambridge Cycling Campaign (Cambridgeshire)
- Community Fridges & Food Banks
- Gamlingay Eco Hub (Case Study of a building running on renewable energy
- Visit a library - Cambridgeshire County Council - Libraries will increasingly be hosting green events and activities
You can find other groups across Huntingdonshire via the Hunts Forum! Our members | Hunts Forum